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26 November 2020: Minor Reparations on Thanksgiving

Happy (American) Thanksgiving! Today is a day that, though it is rooted in some very problematic history, has come to be associated with...

12 November 2020: NaNo Check-In & Tip

NaNoWriMo is nearly halfway over and I’m at 30,000 words! It’s amazing what happens when I don’t have to stress about the election...

15 October 2020: Physical Connection

Since the second issue of my newsletter launches today, I'm going to keep this brief. Today, I want to talk about how important human...

1 October 2020: Busy Month & High Hopes

How is it already October? And yet, how is 2020 not over yet? This entire year has been a hot mess and it's already almost over. October...

17 September 2020: Burnout & Expectations

I may have bitten off more than I can chew, I admit. I haven't written much lately, I have barely done any editing, but I have been...

4 September 2020: Podcasting & Returning to Work

First of all, sorry for the late post - I went back to work and I'm still trying to adjust to being back in this schedule. But holy crap,...

27 July 2020: Winning Camp NaNo & Other Announcements

Holy moly, I have been so lazy since I reached my goal for Camp NaNo on the 20th, but the point is that I won! As a reward to myself, I...

8 July 2020: Announcements & Whatnot

It hasn't really been all that long, and yet I have so many things to officially "announce" here on my blog! I am starting a newsletter...

28 June 2020: Camp NaNo is Imminent!

How is it almost July already? I mean, time is an illusion and all, but still. That happened fast and now Camp NaNo is in a few days....

6 June 2020: How to be a Good Ally

Right now, there are so many crises occurring all at once, but these crises are catalysts for change. With COVID-19, the Black Lives...

27 April 2020: Camp NaNo Update #3

It's official: I have reached my goal of 60,000 words as of last night, thanks to writing sprints with my writing group via Discord!...

16 April 2020: Camp NaNo Update #2

Just over halfway through the month and I have written 13,614 words towards my 20k goal, which means only 6,386 words to go! Although I...

18 March 2020: Corona Quarantine

Starting tomorrow, March 19th, the school district I work for is suspending school indefinitely due to COVID-19, which means that I will...

11 March 2020: Self-Discipline is Not a Thing

I am terrible at self-discipline and consistency, which is easily my biggest fault as a writer. Not that my writing is inconsistent, but...

26 Feb 2020: The Editing Project

Writing is difficult, any writer can tell you as much. However, I think editing is much more difficult, especially when it's someone...

19 Feb 2020: Writing for The Mighty

When I was in college, I started becoming more aware of the things that were affecting my life both physically and mentally. In that...

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